About us
The Centre is a basic unit of the University of Warsaw. The main task of the Centre is to conduct archaeological research, especially in the area of the Balkan Peninsula and the areas around the Black Sea. The Centre organises and carries out excavation and initial conservation of researched objects, participates in the publication of research results, takes an active part in international scientific life by organising seminars, conferences and exchanges of scientists.
The Centre conducts archaeological research at six sites: Novae (Bulgaria) – once the seat of legio I Italica, Tanais (Russia) – a Greek and Roman trading settlement on the Don River, Rhizon (Montenegro) – the capital of the Illyrian queen Teuta, Scodra and Bushat, Illyrian fortified settlements in northern Albania, Konsulovskoye (Ukraine), a post-scythian fortified settlement, as well as underwater research within the Danube Delta Underwater Heritage project.
In our work we use modern interdisciplinary research methods in addition to traditional archaeological methods. Depending on the needs and possibilities, we conduct geophysical research, analyses of aerial and satellite photographs, anthropological research, physical and chemical analyses of wall paintings, ceramic vessels and metals. Stone conservation works and casting of some monuments are carried out. All archaeological data are processed by computer in relation to both movable monuments and architecture. We also make computer reconstructions of architectural monuments.
The Archaeological Research Centre “Novae” of the University of Warsaw was established by Order No. 4, of the Rector of the University of Warsaw, dated 28 March 1990. Before the vote in the Academic Senate, the motion to establish the Centre was approved by both the Council of the Institute of Archaeology and the Council of the Faculty of History.
Along with the establishment of our unit, the Rector of the UW approved the Statute of the Centre. On 11 June 1997, the Academic Senate by means of a resolution approved new Regulations of the Centre for Archaeological Research. In connection with changes in laws and the Statute of the University of Warsaw, on 19 December 2007 the Senate approved new Regulations of the Centre (Resolution 323) – Monitor UW Nr 10F, item 401, in which it changed its name to the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre gave it the status of a basic unit.
The Centre was created from the transformation of the former UW Archaeological Expedition, operating in the Department of Mediterranean Archaeology, as part of the so-called Classical Seminar of Prof. Kazimierz Majewski. After Prof. Majewski, the Expedition was headed by Prof. Ludwika Press, who was also the first Director of the Centre.
In the years 2007-2023, a doctoral programme is implemented at the Centre.
Scientific Council
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Bulska
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Dyczek
Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow
Dr hab. Renata Ciołek, prof. UW
Dr hab. Hubert Kowalski, prof. UW
Dr hab. Artur Obłuski, prof UW
Dr Artur Chełstowski
Robert Grey, MA
Janusz Recław, MA
PhD programme:
Prof. Wojciech Nowakowski – Head
Prof. Piotr Dyczek – Director
Janusz Recław, MA – Deputy Director
Dr. hab. Joanna Then-Obłuska
Dr. Krzysztof Narloch
Dr. Adam Jarych
Agata Momot, MA
Bartosz Wojciechowski, MA
Karolina Miedzianowska, MA – administrative employee
Marta Zaręba, MA – administrative employee